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序號 刊名 資料庫名稱 出版者 電子版ISSN 紙本版ISSN
1 European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids ScienceDirect_Freedom Collection Elsevier 0997-7538
2 European Journal of Mechanics - B/Fluids ScienceDirect_Freedom Collection Elsevier 0997-7546
3 International Journal of Mechanics and Materials in Design Springer Journals Springer 1573-8841 1569-1713
4 Journal of Mechanics ProQuest - ABI/INFORM Collection Oxford University Press 1727-7191
5 Journal of Mechanics ProQuest - ABI/INFORM Global Oxford University Press 1727-7191
6 Journal of Mechanics ProQuest - Materials Science Collection & Engineering Collection Oxford University Press 1727-7191
7 Journal of Mechanics in Medicine & Biology EBSCOhost-ASC World Scientific Publishing Company 0219-5194
8 Journal of Mechanics in Medicine & Biology EBSCOhost-ASP World Scientific Publishing Company 0219-5194
9 Quarterly Journal Of Mechanics And Applied Mathematics Oxford Journals Collection - 2020 Full Collection Oxford University Press 1464-3634 0272-4960
10 Quarterly Journal Of Mechanics And Applied Mathematics Oxford Journals Collection - 2022 Full Collection Oxford University Press 1464-3855 0033-5614
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Jun 19 2020 18:25:19