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序號 刊名 資料庫名稱 出版者 電子版ISSN 紙本版ISSN
1 Asian Journal of Medical Sciences CEPS中文電子期刊資料庫-醫藥衛生 Maxwell Science Publishing 2040-8773
2 Asian Journal of Medical Sciences EBSCOhost-ASC Manipal Colleges of Medical Sciences 2467-9100
3 Gomal Journal of Medical Sciences EBSCOhost-ASC Gomal Medical College 1819-7973
4 Indian Journal of Medical Sciences ProQuest - Research Library Medip Academy 0019-5359
5 Indian Journal of Medical Sciences EBSCOhost-ASC Scientific Scholar LLC 0019-5359
6 Indian Journal of Medical Sciences EBSCOhost-ASP Scientific Scholar LLC 0019-5359
7 Integrative Journal of Medical Sciences EBSCOhost-ASC Mediterranean BioMedical Journals 2658-8218
8 International Journal of Medical Sciences and Technology ProQuest - Advanced Technologies & Aerospace Collection A. Prabhu Britto, Editor and Publisher 0974-5343
9 Iranian Journal of Medical Sciences EBSCOhost-ASC Iranian Journal of Medical Sciences 0253-0716
10 Iraqi Journal of Medical Sciences EBSCOhost-ASC Republic of Iraq Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research (MOHESR) 1681-6579
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Jun 19 2020 18:25:19