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序號 刊名 資料庫名稱 出版者 電子版ISSN 紙本版ISSN
1 L1-Educational Studies in Language & Literature EBSCOhost-ERC G.C.W.Rijlaarsdam 1567-6617
2 NTU Studies in Language and Literature CEPS中文電子期刊資料庫-人文學 國立臺灣大學外國語文學系 1018-3914
3 NTU Studies in Language and Literature EBSCOhost-MLA_FT NTU Press;National Taiwan University Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures 1018-3914
4 SPECTRUM : NCUE Studies in Language, Literature, Translation CEPS中文電子期刊資料庫-人文學 彰化師範大學 1998-9148
5 Studies in Language and Literature (Hamilton, Canada) EBSCOhost-MLA_FT Symposium Press
Jun 19 2020 18:25:19